Special Mentions

73 Seconds (Canada), Dir: Stacy Gardner

80 Grand (USA), Dir: Eli Zazu

Amy and Dad (USA), Writer: Diana Robertson Bond 

Art (USA), Dir: Stacey Stone

Bathroom Trouble (USA), Dir: Jimmy Caputo

Before the Freeze (USA), Dir: Tenley Eakin Raj

Blood On the Tracks (Mexico), Dir: Jennifer Mary Moran

Changed In A Moment (USA), Dir: Sandy Cherryholmes

Crisis Point (Romania), Dir: Valentin Raileanu

Cycles of History (USA), Dir: Steven Paul Wolf

Dead To Me (UK), Dir: Daniel Attrill

Deepthroat (Belgium), Dir: Mikesaf

Destroy Imagination (USA), Dir: Chris Adam Abercrombie

Didn’t It Rain (UK), Dir: Jordan Johnson

Dog of the Samurai (USA), Dir: Dylan Roca

Dreaming Vincent (Italy), Dir: Christian Candido

False Security (Mexico), Dir: Marki Henderson, Shavell Mcpherson

Fixed Point (USA), Dir: Teresa-Esmeralda Sanchez

Flash (Canada), Dir: David Becker

Forgiveness: A Path to Peace, Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda (USA), Dir: Richard Sergay

Forsaken (USA), Dir: Lucia Y Hernandez

Gaiji Fucker (Japan), Dir: Taiyo Kanto

Gordon (Israel), Dir: Orna Versano Malki

Gruncle (USA), Dir: Ed Vela

I am a word and also its echo (USA), Dir: Nuno Veiga, featuring Sue Schroeder

Istanbulamiyorum (Turkey), Dir: Haluk Sercan çuhadar

Jack-O-Mantern (USA), Dir: Mike Horbatiuk

Karate Babes in Outer Space (USA), Dir: Anna & Alex Liakos

Magia de Sangre (USA), Dir: Simone Elise Chanel Suárez

Max (Actor) (USA), Dir: Max Bowmore

Memory (Australia), Dir: Liam Andrew Pritchard

MusArt (USA), Producer: Randall Vemer

Nostalgia (Canada), Dir: Dean Attari

One Christmas Eve (Canada), Dir: Garth Drake

Peace of Mind (USA), Dir: Owen Kircher

Picky (USA), Dir: Aly Sikora

Pirate Jenny (USA), Dir: Elisabetta DeLuca, Alessandro Freschi

Poor Poor Eldon (USA), Dir: Lorin Morgan-Richards

Protocol: Last Resort (USA), Dir: Kaye Vassey

Raven Steel (Norway), Dir: Samuel Hovde Johannesen

Reality or Illusion (Ukraine), Dir: Yuliya Levashova

Reanimations (USA), Dir: Kyle Donley

Red Sea (USA), Dir: Almarin Fisher

Rouse (USA), Dir: Mimi Garrard

Sacred AUM (Ukraine), Dir: Yuliya Igorivna Levashova

SAD (Sweden), Dir: Hedvig H-S

Severance (UK), Dir: Jamie Lynch

Shadows (USA), Dir: Olga Gabris

Sock (USA), Dir: Colin Llewellyn

Somewhere Somehow (Canada), Dir: Dean Attari

Songbird (USA), Dir: Elliott Grey Taylor

Stay Happy (Canada), Dir: Adrian Newhook

Storey’s Adventure (USA), Dir: Johanna Wieden

Sympathy (USA), Dir: Marc Pachon

Tell Him (USA), Dir: Shannon Ford Thompson

The Cats Can’t Leave (Spain), Dir: Eli Raurich & Luca Capelle

The Chronciles of Dranik: Knightfall (USA), Dir: River F.R Kennedy

The Cupboard (USA), Dir: Christina Amato Butler

The Days of Knight: Chapter 3 (USA), Dir: John P Martinez

The Debate (USA), Dir: Todd Bruno; Writer/Producer: Nick Casal

The Drinking Bag (Norway), Dir: Per-Harald Hagerup

The Esteemed Priority (USA), Dir: Al Bohl

The Genie (Puerto Rico), Dir: Fabian Rey

The Green Lady (UK), Dir: Robert Brown

The Line (USA), Dir: Cooper Jacob Lynn

The Lonely Road (Canada), Dir: Dean Attari

The Lonesome Death of Tom Warwick (USA), Dir: Jack Szvetecz

UBI SUNT (UK), Dir: Natalia Jezova

Unravelled (Trailer) (USA), Dir: Brett Bower

Waiting (USA), Dir: Ray Müller

Walter’s Bad Day (Canada), Dir: Dean Attari