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Title: Garbage Money
Runtime: 10 min
Country: USA
Director: Rusty Cwiklis
Placement: Honorable Mention
Competition: December, 2018
Synopsis: Our gunman has seen the movies, knows what to avoid when it comes to needing money quick. Never rob a bank, because an off-duty cop just happens to be in there, or try to steal from a company, only for an intern I.T. worker to catch you. Lucky for him, he has an idea, take the people who are forced to come to his front door hostage. Not so lucky for his two Garbage Men and Mailman. But just because he has a genius idea, doesn’t mean he’s thought it all the way through. From installing bulletproof windows to forgetting to lock the front door, our Garbage-Men are in for quite the day. Normally, they pick garbage up, but today, they’ll have to deal with it.