Award of Excellence – “Silhouette” (Australia)

Title: Silhouette
Runtime: 6 min
Country: Australia
Director: Jacob Lee, Colin Jeffs, Kevin Bar
Placement: Best Music – Jacob Lee + Award of Excellence
Competition: June, 2020

Synopsis: A 6 minute visual, representing the symbolic decline of both Jacob’s relationship with his wife & daughter, & his dwindling psyche. Jacob, in a desperate rush to reach an unknown location, travels alone through abandoned city streets, burdened by frequent flashbacks of his family. Thrown off guard by seeing an illusion of himself on the road + his car being stolen, Jacob sprints away in confusion as he endeavours to reach his destination. After falling over & spilling all of his belongings on the road, Jacob notices a figure in his VHS camera. A figure that can’t be seen with the naked eye, unravelling a carousel of events that lead to Jacob losing his sanity as he perceives the loss of his family.