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Title: FACE
Runtime: 3 min
Country: UK
Director: Sophia Kyriacou
Placement: Award of Excellence
Competition: June, 2022
Synopsis: FACE is a hyper-real CGI conceptual film driven by silent thought-provoking emotion where I open a window to my Autistic world.
I explore my own cultural identity opening with the Victory of Samothrace. A metaphor that even the strongest of figures within the Classical Greek world can have their wings broken.
FACE also covers aspects of isolation, the feeling of not fitting in despite the ability to weave in and out of situations with chameleon like qualities.
Masking is an important part of my autism but it’s also about making sense and accepting my own masking. This is seen as my alter-ego, the astronaut is confronted by their own mask.
FACE also taps into experiences of bullying, being held back, being controlled, but also plays on the metaphor of thinking outside-the-box, turning a negative into something positive and
The overall message is, being neurodiverse is amazing and should be celebrated. I am not an exhibit. I am not broken, but simply misunderstood.